Information pursuant to the Austrian Media Act and E-Commerce Act
Media Owner and Publisher
card complete Service Bank AG
Postal address and registered office:
Lassallestraße 3
1020 Vienna
Tel: 01/711 11-0
Fax: 01/711 11-147
For inquiries about the company card complete Service Bank AG or the imprint, please contact
For customer inquiries please use our contact form.
Company register number: 84409g
Court of Registry: Commercial Court Vienna
UID: ATU36787802
Business Object
Non-cash payment transactions
Board of Directors
Robert Wieselmayer (CEO)
Petra Schmidt
Robert Fritz
Supervisory Board
Vlaho Ivan (Vorsitzender)
Kafesie Michael (Vorsitzender-Stv.)
Izzo Rita
Naef Barbara
Amisano Roberto
Palombi Alberto
Chadha Curt
Wildner Georg
Wolfgring Alexander
Pichler Herbert
Jovanovic Ivo
Reichel Dagmar
Wallner Thomas
Christian Amberger
Nikolic Valentin
Stand 11.02.2025
Shareholdings in Media Owner
UniCredit Bank Austria AG holds 50,1% of the shares in the media owner.
Raiffeisen-Invest Gesellschaft m.b.H. holds a 25% share in the media owner.
AVZ GmbH holds 24,9% of the shares in the media owner.
Basic tendency of the content
- Presentation of card complete Service Bank AG
- Presentation of products and services offered by card complete Service Bank AG an cooperation partners, especially in connection with cashless payment transactions
- Information on general topics, especially also economy, leisure time activities
Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority (Banking and Securities Supervision Division), 1090 Vienna, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5 and Municipal District Office for the 2nd District, 1020 Vienna, Karmelitergasse 9
Chamber/Trade Organisation
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Federal Banking and Insurance Division, 1040 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Main Business Acitivity
Credit institution pursuant to § 1 par 1 fig 3 and fig 6 Austrian Banking Act
Trade and Professional Regulations
Applicable regulations can be found in particular in the Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz BWG, Federal Law Gazette BGBl No. 532/1993, as amended) and Payment Services Act (Zahlungsdienstegesetz ZaDiG, Federal Law Gazette BGBl No 17/2018, as amended). These regulations can be accessed at
Deposit insurance
As an Austrian bank, card complete Service Bank AG is subject without restriction to the Austrian regulations on deposit protection and investor compensation (ESAEG). card complete Service Bank AG is a member of Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H. ( Deposits of natural persons are guaranteed to a maximum amount of EUR 100,000 per depositor. The information sheet for depositors can be found here.
- Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry, Vienna (
- Online Dispute Resolution Platform of the EU Commission (
Gender Policy
For the sake of better readability of the text, gender-specific wording has been avoided. All references to persons refer to both genders.
Text | Editing | Project Management
Marketing and Communikation
Design and Implementation
Pictures of our products:
Magazine, cards and terminals by inSIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY | Bernd Hirnschrodt
Further pictures:
Pictures from Austria:
Austrian National Tourist Office